Friday, 8 August 2014

Aprilaire Model 800 Automatic Steam Humidifier Digital Control

Readers bear in mind that I was a professional installer back in the day, so my pleasant experience with this unit should not inspire the average DIY. This project was performed by a professionally trained technician in both electrical and HVAC. Please use gloves and safety glasses (PPE) when installing/servicing any HVAC equipment. SAFETY FIRST!!
Aprilaire 800 vs. Honeywell True Steam Humidifier
Contractors selected Aprilaire's Model 800 Whole-house Powered steam humidifier as the ACHR News Dealer Design Award Gold
I had been researching whole house humidifiers for some time and finally decided on this Aprilaire Model 800/700 Automatic Whole-house Powered Humidifier with Digital Control from talking to local HVAC installers and reviews I located online. I was a little apprehensive because I had never worked with a furnace or cutting into sheet metal before. It keeps my house at a much more comfortable 35% RH even in cold and dry Kansas winters.
  • Has a capacity of 11.5, 20.5 or 23.3 gallons per day depending on electrical draw.
  • Humidifies tightly-constructed homes up to 6,200 ft2
  • Complementing non-forced air heating sources and other specialty heating systems
I installed this Aprilaire Model 800 Automatic Steam Humidifier Digital Control unit myself, and it's quite doable for someone with decent tool and mechanical skills. The humidifier requires only a 1" hole in the ductwork for the steam nozzle, and another 3/4" hole in the return duct for the humidistat sensor. I also installed an in-line particulate filter on the water feed, but make sure you don't demineralize the water as conductive water is critical to correct operation.

Previous reviewer noted that fill valve is noisy, but I haven't noticed any unusual noises on my unit when filling. Home Depot proved to be invaluable in helping me with the plumbing connections. Overall I spent about $72 on supplies. I installed the unit on the supply side, as was recommended, but I could not justify hooking it into the hot water line and watch energy just pour down the drain.

The instructions indicated a cold water supply was fine as long as the unit was mounted on the supply side. The Aprilaire Model 800/700 Automatic Whole-house Powered Humidifier with Digital Control unit does trickle water down the drain hose as it is operating, this is normal. My biggest apprehension was the wiring. I found some VERY helpful youtube videos of an HVAC installer somewhere in the midwest installing one of these in a clients home.

Overall I am very satisfied with this arrangement as the water condensing is minimal. The dispersion tube is a danger for small children and perhaps pets. The steam is OK unless you are right next to the tube. There is some significant installation time involved with this. Water line connecting, drain, wiring a dedicated 20 amp or 240v circuit (for the 11.5 amps setting) and wiring the humidistat.

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